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TRS’ September Club Meeting Highlights

• Planning and coordination for November’s There Will Be Dust event well underway.
o (TWBD Planning Sub team formed post meeting to investigate the creation of a non-plated dirt bike route)
o Still plenty of room for event volunteers.
• Rich Baker continues making the arrangements for a showing of the classic motorcycle movie, On Any Sunday in Tucson. Most likely at the Loft Theater.
• TRS Survey results commented upon and how they are going to guide the club Leadership.
• Chris Ambrosio was selected to be the Chairman of the TRS Board of Directors (BOD).
o Chris reviewed BOD Directives for 2021/2022
 Continue development of new trails
 Improve Membership engagement
 Fundraising/Charitable activities
o One immediate focus is to empower club members to take ownership of specific club activities
• The Great Pumpkin Dual Sport Ride announced, John Bingham has the Lead on this ride. (See attachemnet) Planning a 100+ mile ride
• Good discussion on the use of HAM radios as an alternate to 2-way radio of cell phones when out on trail rides.
• A bike show sponsored and organized by the 520 Moto Alliance is scheduled for October 31, 11am to 3 pm. A few TRS members plan to attend to promote our club. All are welcomed to participate in support of TRS and or visit the bike show.
Visit this link to learn more about them. ( (See Flier attached)
• A motorcycle museum is now open in San Manuel, “JWJ Cycles” established by Parrish Traweek.
• Good ride reports received from those who rode the Patagonia Mountains on Sep. 6th, & Cloudcroft NM on Sep. 9-11th.
• Very detailed discussion on what to have in your riding pack or packs when going out for a ride. Bottom line, be prepared before you ride. Review the contents in your pack periodically to be sure what is in it still is functional.
• Expect a First Aid review to be conducted at October’s club meeting.

Hope to see you on the trail or at the next club meeting, October 12th.


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