Project Timeline
Back in 2013 when TRS began speaking publicly about the idea of creating a single-track trail for dirt bikes, there were many dirt bike riders who doubted this would ever happen. This was an understandable reaction considering there was not a mile of true legal motorized single-track on the Coronado National Forest at that time. But a core group of TRS members saw the possibility and persevered. This was no easy task and required tremendous amounts of volunteer time and sacrifice. Our journey began in earnest in early 2014 and collimated in June of 2019 with the opening of the Red Spring Trail.
Here is a brief listing of activities TRS participated in to make this trail system a reality:
- Establishing positive working relationships with the Coronado National Forest
- Self-education on how to build a moto trail and formal training provided by NOHVCC (National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council)
- Establish relationships with national OHV organizations
- Grant proposal development and application
- Exploratory hikes to determine potential routes
- Met with USFS personnel to understand environmental and archaeological considerations
- Creating trail GPS tracks and map generation
- Project coordination
- Trail building
- Interface with contractors
From November 2016 to June 2019, TRS supplied ~1,600 volunteer hours in support of this project
Here is a link to a Coronado National Forest regarding the Red Spring Trail.

This is a link to the TRS Avenza store, it has special maps of the Red Spring area. Shows suggested routes. From introductory routes to advanced routes.