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Forest Service Message to TRS, RST Project

Message below from John Titre.I notified him we have now contributed over 1,000 volunteer hours to the project.


Incredible accomplishment! —And it is just not the hours but the level of expertise throughout the project. It could not have been done without that level of involvement from TRS. Not once did we use the Supervisor’s Office for GIS work expect for printing three maps when our printer was disabled. The biologist and archeologist were able to use shape files generated for their analysis.

This is definitely a Legacy Project and will be on the District for several hundred years like the other trails that are a hundred years old that we maintain. The difference is that this trail was properly designed and implemented. Once completed it will be of national significance.

TRS will likely continue to be an integral part of trail stewardship for many years.

I am indebted to your service to the Nation and the Forest Service.


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