Copper Classic and Motorcycle Museum
The Copper Classic Racecourse is Staked and marked ready for directional signs and pink ribbons.
Well, at least the Big Bike course. The Mini Course will be staked, marked, signed, and ribboned Thursday.
Thanks to the 10 TRS members who made it all happen today!
Before leaving San Manuel today, Gary Meeker, Tim McGuire and I met local legend (Desert racer, pilot, flight instructor…) Parrish Traweek at the La Casita restaurant. After some small talk, he invited us to come over and visit his motorcycle museum, JWJ Cylces. Tim had to head back home, but Gary and I accepted the offer.
Although the museum is not ready for the public, the state of the inventory is amazing. All types of bike types, from trials, to dirt, to street he has them all. Some hanging from the ceiling, others mounted on the wall. Parrish is an amazing dynamo, he has his hand in so many different activities and after listening for a while I asked him when he has time to sleep and eat. We spent over a half hour talking bikes and potential projects to support motorcycling in the area.
Now here is some very interested stuff. He would like to arrange a meeting with him, TRS, a Pinal County Supervisor and BHP Copper to begin serious discussions about establishing a new Copper Classic racecourse. The aim is to get off Az. State Trust Land, thereby reducing the cost of liability insurance.
But that’s not all. He is also wanting to support TRS with Dual Sport and Adventure bike rides and or events. He welcomes us to stage from his business property. Eventually he will have a few B&B’s on site to support riders. He even offered the use of his secured storage lot for any purpose in the future.
Gary, please chime in with the details I may have missed.
I hope this message is of interest to you.