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The Same Feeling 

We are riders of various skill levels and bike preferences. We have our favorite places to ride and favorite terrain type. Some like to ride sand washes others like rocky trails. Some like the longer distance exploration rides with some pavement thrown in to mix things up. But no matter our likes and favorites, when we are done with the ride on any given day, the feeling we experience remains the same. We share that awesome feeling of experiencing something special has just been accomplished. We might have pushed our comfort zone just a little past our normal red line. Sure, it might have scared us a bit, but because we made it through it, bike and body intact, we are excited and can’t wait to get out and do it again.  

Well, let me tell you, I experienced all of this first hand on Sunday. You may have seen the posting about the Las Cienegas “Newbie Ride.” Twelve riders showed up for this ride. The spectrum of rider experience was very wide. From riders just getting their boots dirty to an AMRA racer to old guys like me in between. But let me tell you, when we finished our 35-mile ride, the newbies were just as excited about the experience as I was last week after finishing a ride north of Webb Road in San Manuel. Our riding pace and terrain were extremely different, but we shared the same feeling after the ride. MAN THAT WAS COOL!!

Now for those in attendance on Sunday’s ride, start thinking about posting up more rides like this one for a repeat performance.  

Below is a picture of some of the riders who participated in Sunday’s ride. A side note.

We stopped to check out the historic Ranch House on the Las Cienegas. The buildings were open for self-guided tours and the restoration work is incredible. If you have a chance check this out. Check out www. Empireranchfoundation.orgfor more information.–

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