TRS’ August Club Meeting Report
On Tuesday of this week, TRS held their monthly club meeting inside the Off-Road Center at On Any Moto (OAM). Thanks to the ongoing hospitality from the OAM team! Nice turn out too, 35 names on the sign in sheet.
Here are some of the topics covered at the meeting.
· Special recognition was given to Kelly and Anthony for their ongoing membership recruitment activities.
· Status of the upcoming Dual Sport / Fundraiser event, There Will Be Dust.
· Review of recent night rides in San Manuel and plans for another night ride near Tucson.
· Review of the July trip to Colorado for riding and camping.
· Toques wrench use and care tech tips provided by Josiah.
But the highlight of the evening was the information and Q&A session held by our special guests from the Southern Arizona Search and Rescue Association (SARA). SARA representatives Amy, John and Jason provided insights about what their association does and how they perform their vital work in the backcountry of the desert and mountains of Southern Arizona. TRS members were fully engaged during this discussion and asked dozens of questions of our guests. Certainly, all in attendance left the meeting with a better understanding of the potentially lifesaving service SAR provides to the outdoor recreational community. Perhaps more importantly, how we should prepare ourselves for a ride before leaving home.
This message was received after the meeting from SARA President Jason Schlueter –
Please extend our thank you to your team. We felt very welcome this evening. We had a bit of an idea of what we wanted to talk about, but it turned into an engaging question and answer session. It seemed like everyone there was genuinely interested in what we had to share…and we barely scratched the surface!
Some photos taken at the meeting.
See you on the trail!