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TRS’ July Club Meeting and Social Gathering

Josiah Brennan (Assistant GM) of On Any Moto has approved the use of the Off-Road building for TRS’ next club meeting and social gathering. 

Date: Tuesday July 12 (I know we don’t normally meet in July but we did not have a meeting in June and we have some important topics to cover.)
Time: 6:30pm
Place: On Any Moto, 2535 N Jackrabbit Ave, Tucson, AZ 85745. Mostly streetside parking.Josiah will provide pizza for us to enjoy.
You can bring in your own food if you wish instead of pizza.
You should bring your own drink(s) (alcohol is OK to bring in)
Bring a chairSome Meeting Topics to be Addressed: The funniest ride I have ever been on – or – how scary it is to load my bike into the bed of my pickup truck
Financial report
Membership report
AMRA update
Az State Parks OHVAG (Off-Highway Vehicle Advisory Group) update
Red Spring Trail grant application for information kiosks and trail “roll over” structures
There Will Be Dust
Copper Classic
Special recognition for the TRS members who reported the Pipe Line fire in Flagstaff

I hope you can make it. PLEASE RSVP so Josiah can order the right amount of pizza.


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