Red Spring Trail – Very Green
You may have heard it has been raining on and off since late July. It’s true. Well I can tell you without hesitation, it has done wonders for the desert. Here are some photos from the ride Saturday. The single track has been invaded by tall grasses. Several times we had to stop to be sure we were on the trail. We rode up Rob’s trail, the long hillside single track. Normally that takes about 10 minutes or so to complete. Well today the grasses were so thick – making it difficult to move forward and see the trail, not to mention a bit of fear we might be dropping off the steep down hill side, YIKES! Anyway it took well a half hour or maybe longer to complete this section. No speed records were set today. But then after completing Rob’s trail section, we crossed over our cattle guard barrier to take the two-track road down to FS Road #684. Well good luck staying on course here, same problem, tall grasses have obscured the road making it a challenge to find the way down hill.
Yes we will need to get out there to do some trimming once the monsoon season clears. Much of these grasses we dry out and nature will take care of them. However, there are places that will require hand saws and clippers to clear the trail.
…and guess what, there was no dust …….that will happen in Patagonia on November 20th. at There Will Be Dust, see you there!