Red Spring Trail Project Timeline
Back in 2013 when TRS began speaking publically about the idea of creating single-track trail for dirt bikes, there were many dirt bike riders who doubted this would ever happen. This was an understandable reaction considering there was not a mile of true legal motorized single-track on the Coronado National Forest at that time. But a core group of TRS members saw the possibility and persevered. This was no easy task and required tremendous amounts of volunteer time and sacrifice. What appears below is my effort of condensing an enormous amount of detailed history into a short Face Book post. Enjoy and feel free to ask questions.
September 2013 —— April 2014
The journey begins by establishing relationships inside of the Coronado National Forest.
TRS meets Forest Service Officials to share a motorized single-track (ST) vision.
TRS educates itself on “how to” create a 25-mile trail system & forms a ST Committee.
TRS establishes contact with national & regional organizations/resources to gain trail building knowledge.
November 2014 —— June 2015
The background work begins.
Discover a potential trail system site and interest in the Nogales Ranger District.
TRS develops a detailed plan, conducts research, formalizes a “purpose and need” plan.
Forest Service agrees to pursue an OHV grant from Az. State Parks & Trails.
TRS assists the Forest Service in preparing the OHV grant application.
Grant approved for the Red Spring Trail Project.
November 2015 —— Current 2019
The on the ground work begins.
Numerous trail hikes to investigate trail routes.
Forest Service prepares NEPA documentation.
Public Scoping & Fish & Wildlife reports.
Flagging & GPS’ing trails, feed back to FS Archaeologist, Biologist & Range Specialist.
Draft & Final Decision Notices published.
Coordination of trail building resources, private contactors, volunteers, Az. Conservation Corp.
TRS volunteer participation in or assisted with – –
Pima Pineapple Cactus, archeology & invasive species surveys,
Trail building, rock moving, brush trimming,
GIS mapping, map production,
Staging area development, route marker installation,
1,600 hrs. or $62.6K worth of TRS volunteer support to date!